
AI is eliminating employment in the US! A survey confirms that ChatGPT is replacing people.

According to a poll, Microsoft-owned ChatGPT has begun to replace humans in the workplace, as some American organizations have already…

2 years ago

Google CEO Sundar Pichai Criticised For ‘Rushed’ Announcement Of Chat GPT competitor Bard

According to a recent story, Google staff members are criticizing management, most notably CEO Sundar Pichai, for the way the…

2 years ago

Google fires 12000 employees or 6% of the global workforce

Google's parent company, Alphabet Inc., just stated that it will lay off 12,000 employees, representing approximately 6% of its global…

2 years ago

10 helpful ChatGPT Chrome Extensions

Google Chrome, which has more than 3.2 billion users, is the most popular web browser right now. 65% of the…

2 years ago

Launch of ChatGPT premium version, a more expensive version of OpenAI’s popular Chatbot

This week, OpenAI hinted that it might soon start charging for ChatGPT, a popular chatbot powered by AI that can…

2 years ago

ChatGPT Most Advanced AI Chatbot

On November 30, 2022, OpenAI will release ChatGPT, an Optimizing Language Model for Dialogue. ChatGPT received a lot of attention…

2 years ago

Infosys has made a covert investment in OpenAI, a maker of ChatGPT

Chat GPT looks to have taken the world by storm — journalists can't stop marvelling at its AI-generated copy, programmers…

2 years ago

Apple AirPods will be manufactured in India soon.

Apple will shift AirPods and Beats Headphone production to India. Apple reportedly directed its suppliers to relocate manufacture of AirPods…

2 years ago

How does UPI Transactions Work?

Development and convenience of banking operations made possible by fintech, customers no longer have to worry about payments because everything…

2 years ago

How does Apple Pay Work?

Here are the actions that take place in the background when you add a new payment card (either a credit…

2 years ago